Diversity Diaries: a Theatre Show

Every day, we carry biases and assumptions with us. But how often do we stop to think about those biases? As scientists, and communicators, it is important to be able to reflect on these from time to time. Using theater, the Diversity Diaries workshop is a powerful experience for audiences. Allowing us all to recognize biases outside of ourselves, and giving the space for future self reflection.

Art meets Science

Diversity Diaries blends the power of theater with the theory of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). It is a unique and interactive experience. Diversity Diaries is a great addition to EDI training for researchers, industry, education, and more!

Founder Shaeema Zaman engaging with the audience on stage during a show.

Audience Reviews

Seeing the situations played out made understanding much easier.” - Anonymous Audience Member

I really liked the idea of each writing their own comments on the biases.[…] It makes sure you pay attention, which is great.” - Anonymous Audience Members

It was really good to have practical example showed on live (and not on video for instance, to me it is a Big plus).” -Anonymous Audience Member

“Thanks for the team! This event deserves to be performed in more places!” -Anonymous Audience Member


Science Outreach Training